Yes, there is an attempt, as everyone knows in America and the world, to remove our freedom of speech. The power Google, Facebook and YouTube wield over the internet with its ability to remove content or prevent content from being seen is mindboggling.
Now, my website can be manipulated and I am aware of this far I haven't had any problems with hackers, etc. However, I do believe my site at raleysexposed-com has been shadowbanned by, let's say Google, to make it not appear in the top results when searching key words to my site. At one time, when someone searched Joyce Raley Teel on Goggle, my website appeared at the very top of the results. Same with a lot of other key words.
But since I have added a lot of information about the vaccines, election fraud, etc., the hits to my site have been reduced quite a bit. My YouTube videos I have connected to my site have also been manipulated I believe to make it appear nobody comes to my site. The two images below and the truthful information that it presents is probably not being reported by the corrupt far left media in the Blue State of Hawaii

My 74-year-old sister died in April of 2021 shortly after getting a vaccine. I mentioned
my sisters death to him in a letter and he never responded back to me.
Read the letter that Lieutenant Governor Josh Green sent/posted to the other Governors. Why hasn't this man, who is the current Governor, resigned from his elected position? He was pushing vaccines that weren't safe to take. He was pushing facemasks that didn't work. He was pushing social distancing that failed to protect anyone. Everything that he promoted the public to do actually made things worse for the people. And then, to make the dangerous vaccine makers happy about his letter, he lied about Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and its ability to help people who came down with covid-19...and that's if they actually caught covid knowing that the tests given to show if a person had covid were actually providing faulty results. Hey the person may have had just the flu. Pharmaceutical companies, Hospitals, doctors, businesses and many others benefited alot (in money), by claiming a person had covid and not the flu.

Here is my cute letter to Josh Green and he never responded back to me:

I asked Josh Green to prove to me with a scientific study with peer review, back in 2021, that vaccines were safe and facemasks will protect you and I received nothing from him. He is now the Governor running around with his head cut off in Maui.
Below is just one vaccine maker and they will downplay this in the corrupt media: