Once in a while I will go to a news source here in Hawaii to find out what is being presented as the news (LOL). When I lived on Maui, I went to Maui Now. Now that I have lived on the Big Island, I go to the website Big Island Now-which doesn't get a lot of public imput. I never go to Hawaii Public Radio for the news...HPR's ability to pompously parade around in public view, while totally cloaked in propaganda, is just incredible. What's even more incredible is that people donate their hard earned money to support this news reporting farce. Anyway, there was a recent article, July 10, placed on Big Island Now called "Hawai'i Department of Health updates Covid-19 prevention strategies at local schools."
If you have a QR and Barcode Scanner app on your cell then just scan the QR code below to read this article. Once there you can navigate to where my comments were placed about this news article.

After I read this article I placed my own comment on this website about how I felt about the nonsense coming forth from the Hawaii Department of Health and their connection to the CDC nonsense. Hey, it's called freedom of speech. Only a few hours after I placed my comment on this website, my cell-phone received a call from the Centers for Disease Control. First of all, I am not a public person and I am also not very well known. However, I have sent the CDC postcards concerning my feelings...and my feelings about Phony Anthony Fauci, so the CDC has received information from me and so maybe I am on their watch list...it wouldn't surprise me. However, I have never received a phone from the CDC-and how did the CDC get the number to my cell phone? And yet, my cell-phone has tabulated a total of five phone calls from this CORRUPT federal agency since I placed that comment...also, I did not respond back to the CDC. Click on the link below to hear the call the CDC left on my cell phone only hours after I left a comment on the BigIslandNow website:

Also, it is my contention that the Hawaii Department of Health and the CDC have used the news media to put forth their propaganda about the phony pandemic-that they were involved in creating, and now they place articles like this to try and convince the public that all that they did was based on scientific studies...and that their directives were based on scientific studies which we now know couldn't be any further from the truth...and even today they still want the public to continue on with paying attention to their fraudulent charade. I believe that this online article, which is this exact same article placed on other news media sites, like MauiNow, and probably many other news media on the mainland, is to find out the public sentiment for the Hawaii Department of health and the CDC. And I believe the HDH saw my comment and shared it with the CDC. Read the article to see what they are saying about this covid-farce and the continuation to push this in our public school system.
And get this: The CDC was involved in censoring people on social media sites, like Twitter. After Elon Musk purchased Twitter, he released Twitter files showing how the CDC, along with other government agencies, were requesting Twitter to censor people's opinion concerning the pandemic, Covid-19 vaccine and the lack of effectiveness of facemasks. Hell, that guy you saw covering his face with his T-shirt, with the holes in it, probably protected you more than a useless facemask. They wanted Twitter to censor Doctors from posting their comments about the vaccine which they knew wasn't safe like the CDC and others were saying it was. Doctors with years of practice. They were giving names of people to Twitter to take down their comments even when it criticized the wearing of face masks...wow, they hate the 1st amendment. They claimed their opinions was misinformation and yet they were the ones giving out misinformation...just unbelievable.
The CDC provided no scientific study, with peer review, to show that wearing a face mask or taking the vaccine would stop the transmission of the covid-19 virus (which basically was a typical annual virus...prove me wrong), and if they did produce a study it was deemed to be flawed. The CDC was publicly lying about the number of deaths attributed to this virus as this was to create the public fear needed to keep control over the public and get the public to get the vaccine. It must have been nice for them having the news media publish daily tallies of how many people contracted covid, how many people died from covid, etc. The CDC was publicly lying about how many people were testing positive with this virus, as they were using a faulty test.
The CDC was manipulating the vaccine results and the efficacy of the drug and many elected officials were voicing their opinion that children should get this vaccine to protect them as their goal was to get everyone vaccinated. They lied about the 6ft distance requirement as this did't help; they shut down public parks knowing that actually being in the sun was a way to kill the virus instantly and being stuck inside your home was not healthy for anyone.
Today we know the truth about the face masks (and this truth has really been known since 1917), and the startling truth about the vaccine and you won't see the Hawaii Public Radio disclosing this to the people of Hawaii because the news media is part of the big corruption going on in America. NOTHING BUT A SHAMEFUL DISGRACE.

If you don't want to read the article via QR code, then just click on the image below:

And below you can read my comment/opinion that I posted:

Yes, I know there are grammar issues in my comment...but that is not important. What is important is the question did my comment generate a call from the CDC to my cell-phone A TOTAL OF FIVE CALLS? If it did, then the Hawaii Department of Health shared my comment with the CDC.