It is just mind-boggling that Hillary Clinton is still the Democratic choice. This defies everything that is known about common sense, integrity, honesty and trust. She is a pathological, narcissistic, lying, power hungry and inept politician who could care less about anything other than herself.
Her handling of her emails while Secretary of State; deleting emails and wiping clean her email server....this list can go on and on with past scandals...she even had the audacity to lie about be under sniper fire when landing in Bosnia...
Just the fact that she and her sex fiend husband Bill pardoned a slug by he name of Marc Rich only hours before Bill left office should be all the evidence needed to say enough is enough with the Clinton's.
If you read about the Marc Rich pardon, you have to wonder what profiting did the Clinton's gain from this pardon.
The Clinton's smell and they stink and if you don't realize it today, than you drank their poisoned kool-aid.
Don't misunderstand me, I think it would be great to have a woman president. However, we don't want a woman who is more dishonest than any politician ever to raise their ugly and self-serving head....and this woman brings sex fiend Bill Clinton back into the White House to show more cigar tricks while entertaining young female interns.