The President should not be allowed to try and influence an ongoing investigation being conducted by the FBI. What an obvious conflict of interest. The FBI is investigating Hillary Felony Clinton's use of a private email server while she was Secret-ary of State. The previous sentence is laughable alone without having the President publicly state, for the second time, that she didn't jeopardize security. This is just totally wrong and Obama should be held accountable for trying to obstruct justice. He isn't doing the investigation but acts as if he has seen all of the evidence and has made a decision. What a fucking clown he is....the worst president ever.
Below is where Obama is obstructing justice back in October, 2015:
Below shows President Obama obstucting justice again in April of 2016:
Is he under a lot of pressure to keep Hillary from being indicted? Looks like he is. He may be the only person who doesn't think Hillary jeopardized national security. I can't wait for this asshole to leave office....he has accomplished two things since becoming president: he has made a mockery of race relations in America since he became president. and ruined our health care in America.