There is a question to why he shot his first two victims. The simple answer is probably that he needed a practice run on his ability to kill somebody so that when he made his big college achievement two hours later, he would have the poise necessary in order for him to nonchalantly kill innocent defenseless people. He had probably experienced a run in with one of them.

Well, it has happened again and all throughout America, the bozo's seen on CNN and the rest of the news stations are asking that same most important question "Why?" When will 95% of the Americans whom create this situation in the first place understand that it is "their" actions that creates the reaction in troubled people like Cho Seung-Hui. He killed those whom he probably experienced ridicule and arrogant behavior from. People whom he viewed as privileged Americans. I mean, let's face the reality of the occasional incidence of violence at school campuses in this country. The young man probably decided that before he committed suicide, he was going to take as many arrogant students whom he probably had experience a lot of demeaning comments from-does Columbine ring a bell? He didn't kill his room mates in which he could have. He probably didn't experience from them what he had experienced from his fellow classmates. So, until arrogant, rude people, attending our schools and colleges, get the message that when they combine their rudeness, arrogance, and demeaning behavior with an outcast, they are inviting a violent outcome...
I lived with three students in a dormitory/apartment setting in a University area many years ago. One of the students was from the country of India. After he realized I was a polite and nice guy, he confided in me and told me that most of the Americans he met were rude and arrogant. How true it is! In fact, click here to meet a typical arrogant and rude American living in California...This guy has that typical "I am something special" attitude.
When and where will the next massacre occur? That is the question! As long as the news media wants to give these individuals what they are looking for, this low intelligent criminal behavior will continue. However, it is still sad that so many young people had to face this senseless act of cruelty.
Well at least for a few days the people all around this country will act mature and seem nice and respectable to their fellow human beings. However, it won't take too long for Americans to be back to practicing their noon time gossiping, their "better than thou" rudeness, their "I am so good" arrogance, and their "much practiced" cliquish backstabbing behavior. Americans just need to know that they may push these personality defects onto the wrong person and pay a hefty price for it. This goof ball got what he was looking for and that was non stop news coverage from blood thirsty news stations trying to convince their viewers that they should know every detail about what the survivors witnessed while their classroom students were being shot dead. How pathetic!!!

Wow, imagine what Cho Seung-Hui would have done had Raley's cheated and destroyed his dad...

Bigger yet, imagine what would have happened had this disturbed young man been a member of UFCW 588 and realized that this union was corrupt to the core...

Click here and read a copy of a postcard (front and back) sent to UFCW 8 (588) on April 16, 2007.
Can you imagine how the families of the victims must feel witnessing the news media giving this guy the amount of publicity in which he murdered 32 people for?

The news media (NBC) wants everybody to know all about this goofballs writings, ramblings, and death videos after slaughtering nearly three dozen people.
Click here to read a postcard letter (front and back) sent to NBC recently.
Wasn't it great to have the news media retrace this killers footsteps the morning he massacre a few dozen innocent people? They wanted you to know every detail of this murderous event.
Click here to view my steps on the morning I mailed NBC my postcard letter on April 11, 2007. It may seem absurd, but so does the fact that our news organizations want us to know the path insanity took to kill nearly three dozen innocent people.
They never responded. So, it turns out that if you want the news media to redress your issues, you need to kill a few dozen innocent people. What a bunch of arrogant deceitful assholes in the news media who help motivate disturbed individuals to act out so callously knowing they will receive the attention that they long for. But then again, the news media longs for disturbed individuals who will help assist them in achieving high ratings. Depending on the amount of blood involved determines their interest in pursuing any particular story.
This guy was really disturbed. He wanted to paint himself as some kind of martyr and Christ like figure. Wow, he was some deranged person. He wanted to pollute, attack, and offend every great institution in America.