The last 12 months of my life has certainly been filled with a lot of events and some of it would be considered good ole fashion "drama." Let me just list a few:
- I ran my first organized half marathon in which I placed first in my age division and finished 16 overall...not bad for an old guy.
- I got divorced from a woman whom I was married to for nearly 13 years. I wonder who is going to make her breakfast every morning before she goes to work now that I am gone? Not me! I was married twice in my life and both marriages I walked away from.
- I moved to Maui, Hi. This is place where most people think they are living in paradise and become blind to the fact that the social problems plaguing these islands are no different than what is happening on the mainland.
- I met a great woman whom I really liked only to find out she didn't really like me but liked my kindness, my caring and my honesty. It turned out that she was attracted to a sex offender whom didn't really like her....yes, this story is as crazy as it sounds.
- I created a page on my website for this same woman but took it down because I didn't want to embarrass her seeing that her name shows up at the top of Google search engine results and connected to my website. I might put it back up because she is an experience of mine and to be honest, her page ended up being one of the best pages I created so I will have to see how I feel soon.
- I am nearly finished with my petition that I have filed with the State of Hawaii to change my name. Today I will mail off $115 to the Star-Advertiser newspaper for them to publicize in its newspaper of my name change that has been signed by the Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii. Wow, imagine that, I will no longer be Frank Samuel Nordby and will become Frank M Samuels. "M" stands for my daughter Michelle whom I haven't seen since she was 10 years old....
- I met a great female friend by the name of "Julie" whom I met on an anorexia nervosa website. She lives in Massachusetts and she can really relate to my anorexia illness and has been a big support for me as I have been a big support for her...
- I will have a new Capital One credit card sent to me that will have the image of my only child on it as seen below:
Above is my daughter Michelle as she stood on the S.F. Golden Gate bridge-below is my daughter as an adult named Michelle Payne dishonestly providing her dishonest mother a book review:

The first two reviews for this book are from the children of one of the authors of this book-Judy Saint-my former wife. Below are the book reviews and nobody would have known by reading these two reviews that they were related to the author...
The information is presented extremely clearly and in a manner that is neither over my head nor insulting. I certainly followed every section, and in fact found each page more interesting than the last. I found myself wishing I had more time to read the whole book just because it's neat stuff. Excellent job!" -- Jack Pryor, R & D engineer, Medtronic
"I especially like that your IC Layout Basics book feels like someone is simply talking to you; one person explaining to another. Great format and easy flow, even for the complex topics. I like the humor and extra comments, and of course all the illustrations. This is how books should be written." -- Michelle Payne, student, College of William & Mary
In fact, both reviews for Judy Saint's book are from Judy Saint's own children....does my ex-wife get any lower than this?
- I had a relapse of my anorexia nervosa and I am down to 117 lbs. But, I think because of the fact I want to become the fastest long distance runner (for my age) here on Maui, I am going to do whatever I have to, to get my weight back up to a level I can run healthy again. Right now, because of my low weight I am unable to run like I used to.