Recently there was a criminal trial taking place in Florida where a mother was being tried for first degree murder. After this woman was found not guilty there was a large segment of Americans who were upset by this verdict....they simply thought this woman was guilty.
Here is what the majority of Americans don't know about criminal cases and this lack of knowledge is because most americans don't get involved in the criminal process going on in the courts. I have sat through enough criminal court cases to know that there are many not guilty verdicts rendered in cases where it appeared that the prosecution had more than enough evidence to get a conviction.
I remember a case I sat in on when one day I saw the prosecutor of this criminal case in the elevator and asked him what was the outcome of the case and surprising he told me the man on trial was acquitted of the crime. I thought that there was more than enough evidence to convict this man....I don't believe there were crowds of people outside this courthouse willing to burn down the building because of this unjust jury verdict. In fact there was nobody.
So, instead of all of the uproar over the fact that this woman was found not guilty of the charges, maybe these same individuals who are upset about the verdict should spend more time viewing other criminal cases happening within most court-rooms in America and discover that this kind of an outcome is happening more often than not.