picture above source: CNN news
On July 2, a Saturday, Hillary was questioned by the FBI. This questioning pertained to her using a private email server while she was the Secretary of State. Shortly thereafter, the liberal news media (i.e. CNN) reported that "sources" have indicated to them that there would be no criminal charges filed against Hillary. Never does CNN identify the source but only wants to publicize a subliminal message to the masses that Hillary won't be charged.
It has been brought up a long time ago that the "fix" is in for Hillary not to be criminally charged and so her friends in the media are doing whatever they can to assist Hillary by making statements like this. Now the fix would really be in if the FBI announces in the near future that Hillary would be charged with low level misdemeanors for her used of a private email server which was housing top-secret emails/information. And these low level misdemeanors would amount to a "slap" on the hand and Hillary would still be able to run for president and those in America who drool over Hillary will be so excited.
So all of this "she won't be charged," before the FBI is even finished with its investigation into Hillary's actions, is just being leaked by the news media, i.e. CNN, as a way to appease all those in America who strongly believe Hillary shouldn't be allowed to run for president and should be in prison...so the fix is in with all of this and the World will at least be able to say that Hillary was charged with low level misdemeanors, with a psychological sigh of relief, that Hillary didn't completely get away with her crimes.
Getting back to CNN stating that a source has come forth with the notion that Hillary won't be charged, only hours after the FBI had finished questioning Hillary, just shows how corrupt our news media has become when they are doing whatever they can to protect those candidates they support. How would anybody know at this point if chargees won't be filed unless that "source" to CNN who made that declaration knows that the "fix" is in?
But I guess if that "source" had instead indicated that Hillary was found to have been lying throughout this FBI questioning, then that would be something most people would believe to be true.
It is just incredible how many people are doing whatever they can to assistt and enable a narcissist like Hillary....a criminal narcissist and the worst thing that can be done for any narcissist is to enable them.
Personally speaking, I believe Hillary will be charged with low level misdemeanors, as a way for our corrupt government to give the impression that action was taken against a very high level criminal...and this action will only amount to a low level slap on the hand.